2703185 Phoenix Contact Terminal Blocks

Manufacturer:Phoenix Contact
Category:Terminal Blocks
Product Lifecycle:Active
Product description
Device terminal block, for direct mounting, 4-pos.
Product Details
- Number of connections 8
- Rated surge voltage 6 kV
- Nominal voltage UN 275 V
- Temperature index of insulation material (DIN EN 60216-1 (VDE 0304-21)) 130 °C
- Specific optical density of smoke NFPA 130 (ASTM E 662) passed
- Fire protection for rail vehicles (DIN EN 45545-2) R24 HL 1 - HL 3
- Nominal cross section 4 mm²
- Maximum power dissipation for nominal condition 1.02 W
- Terminal block mounting When attaching the product to the mounting surface, please ensure that the housing is not damaged when tightening the center screw
- Surface flammability NFPA 130 (ASTM E 162) passed
- Fire protection for rail vehicles (DIN EN 45545-2) R26 HL 1 - HL 3
- Screw thread M3
- Conductor cross section AWG max. 12
- Flammability rating according to UL 94 V0
- 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded min. 0.2 mm²
- Two conductors with the same cross section stranded, with ferrule and without plastic sleeve, maximum 1.5 mm²
- Permissible humidity (storage/transport) 30 % ... 70 %
- ECLASS 11.0 27141120
- ETIM 2.0 EC001284
- UNSPSC 6.01 30211811
- UNSPSC 13.2 39121409
- Number of positions 4
- Maximum load current 32 A (with 4 mm² conductor cross section)
- Static insulating material application in cold -60 °C
- Relative insulation material temperature index (Elec., UL 746 B) 130 °C
- Smoke gas toxicity NFPA 130 (SMP 800C) passed
- Width 38 mm
- Conductor cross section AWG min. 24
- Max. AWG conductor cross section, flexible 12
- Conductor cross section flexible, with ferrule without plastic sleeve max. 4 mm²
- Two conductors with the same cross section, flexible, with TWIN ferrules, with plastic sleeve, minimum 0.5 mm²
- Operating temperature -60 °C ... 105 °C (max. short-term operating temperature 130°C)
- Ambient temperature (assembly) -5 °C ... 70 °C
- ECLASS 5.1 27141100
- ETIM 4.0 EC001284
- UNSPSC 7.0901 39121410
- UNSPSC 19.0 39121410
- UNSPSC 20.0 39121410
- 2 conductors with same cross section, solid min. 0.2 mm²
- Two conductors with the same cross section stranded, with ferrule and without plastic sleeve, minimum 0.25 mm²
- Ambient temperature (storage/transport) -25 °C ... 60 °C (for a short time, not exceeding 24 h, -60 °C to +70 °C)
- Internal cylindrical gage A3
- ECLASS 4.0 27141100
- ECLASS 7.0 27141106
- ETIM 3.0 EC001284
- UNSPSC 18.0 39121410
- UNSPSC 21.0 39121410
- Two conductors with the same cross section, flexible, with TWIN ferrules, with plastic sleeve, maximum 1 mm²
- China RoHS Environmentally Friendly Use Period = 50 years
- ECLASS 4.1 27141100
- ECLASS 5.0 27141100
- ETIM 7.0 EC001284
- UNSPSC 11 39121410
- Ambient temperature (actuation) -5 °C ... 70 °C
- ECLASS 10.0.1 27141120
- ECLASS 6.0 27141100
- ECLASS 9.0 27141120
- Connection method Screw connection
- Stripping length 8 mm
- Min. AWG conductor cross section, flexible 24
- Height 24 mm
- Tightening torque max 0.8 Nm
- Conductor cross section flexible max. 4 mm²
- Conductor cross section flexible, with ferrule with plastic sleeve min. 0.25 mm²
- ETIM 6.0 EC001284
- UNSPSC 12.01 39121410
- Potentials 4
- Insulating material PA
- Nominal current IN 30 A
- Fire protection for rail vehicles (DIN EN 45545-2) R23 HL 1 - HL 3
- Number of levels 1
- Color gray
- Degree of pollution 3
- Conductor cross section solid min. 0.2 mm²
- Fire protection for rail vehicles (DIN EN 45545-2) R22 HL 1 - HL 3
- Conductor cross section flexible, with ferrule without plastic sleeve min. 0.25 mm²
- 2 conductors with same cross section, stranded max. 1.5 mm²
- Insulating material group I
- Tightening torque, min 0.6 Nm
- Conductor cross section solid max. 4 mm²
- Overvoltage category III
- Open side panel No
- Calorimetric heat release NFPA 130 (ASTM E 1354) 28 MJ/kg
- Length 22 mm
- Connection in acc. with standard IEC 60947-7-1/IEC 60998
- 2 conductors with same cross section, solid max. 1.5 mm²
- Conductor cross section flexible min. 0.2 mm²
- Conductor cross section flexible, with ferrule with plastic sleeve max. 2.5 mm²
Product condition
New Factory Sealed
New Factory Sealed - New condition, never used, original OEM part with original packaging and factory seal.
Manufacturer warranty
2703185 Phoenix Contact
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Number of connections
Rated surge voltage
Nominal voltage UN
Temperature index of insu...
Specific optical density ...
Fire protection for rail ...
Nominal cross section
Maximum power dissipation...
Terminal block mounting
Surface flammability NFPA...
Fire protection for rail ...
Screw thread
Conductor cross section A...
Flammability rating accor...
2 conductors with same cr...
Two conductors with the s...
Permissible humidity (sto...
ETIM 2.0
Number of positions
Maximum load current
Static insulating materia...
Relative insulation mater...
Smoke gas toxicity NFPA 1...
Conductor cross section A...
Max. AWG conductor cross ...
Conductor cross section f...
Two conductors with the s...
Operating temperature
Ambient temperature (asse...
ETIM 4.0
UNSPSC 7.0901
2 conductors with same cr...
Two conductors with the s...
Ambient temperature (stor...
Internal cylindrical gage
ETIM 3.0
Two conductors with the s...
China RoHS
ETIM 7.0
Ambient temperature (actu...
ECLASS 10.0.1
Connection method
Stripping length
Min. AWG conductor cross ...
Tightening torque max
Conductor cross section f...
Conductor cross section f...
ETIM 6.0
UNSPSC 12.01
Insulating material
Nominal current IN
Fire protection for rail ...
Number of levels
Degree of pollution
Conductor cross section s...
Fire protection for rail ...
Conductor cross section f...
2 conductors with same cr...
Insulating material group
Tightening torque, min
Conductor cross section s...
Overvoltage category
Open side panel
Calorimetric heat release...
Connection in acc. with s...
2 conductors with same cr...
Conductor cross section f...
Conductor cross section f...
Degree of protection
Ambient temperature (oper...
Max. permissible relative...
Nominal power consumption
Mains buffering time
Protective circuit/compon...
Feedback voltage resistan...
Output power
Inflammability class in a...
Climatic class
Input voltage range
Inrush current
Type of protection
Installation distance top...
Nominal input voltage ran...
Frequency range (fN)
Input fuse
Power factor (cos phi)
Connection in parallel
Residual ripple
Control deviation
Standard – Safety extra-l...
Discharge in air
Surge voltage load (surge...
Voltage dips
Installation distance rig...
Current consumption
Recommended breaker for i...
Nominal output current (I...
Nominal output voltage
Connection in series
Net weight
Protection class
Assembly instructions
Standard - Safety of tran...
Standard – Limitation of ...
Electromagnetic compatibi...
Contact discharge
Criterion A
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500...
Foot latch material
Mounting position
EMC requirements for nois...
Standard – Electronic equ...
Fast transients (burst)
Electromagnetic HF field
Typical response time
Housing material
EMC requirements for nois...
Standard - Safe isolation
Criterion B
Power loss nominal load m...
Low Voltage Directive
Test field strength
Conducted interference
Insulation voltage input/...
Standard - Electrical saf...
Frequency range
Protection against overvo...
Maximum power dissipation...
Mains variation/undervolt...
UL approvals
Electrostatic discharge
Ambient temperature (star...
Discharge current to PE
Insulation voltage output...
AC frequency range
Active current limitation
Width with alternative as...
Installation height
Selective Fuse Breaking (...
Insulation voltage input ...
Standard - Approval for m...
Height with alternative a...
Setting range of the outp...
Standard - Equipment safe...
Depth with alternative as...
Frequency range DC
Standard – Protection aga...
Rail applications
Selected product
Number of connections8
Rated surge voltage6 kV
Nominal voltage UN275 V
Temperature index of insulation material (DIN EN 60216-1 (VDE 0304-21))130 °C
Specific optical density of smoke NFPA 130 (ASTM E 662)passed
Fire protection for rail vehicles (DIN EN 45545-2) R24HL 1 - HL 3
Nominal cross section4 mm²
Maximum power dissipation for nominal condition1.02 W
Terminal block mountingWhen attaching the product t...
Surface flammability NFPA 130 (ASTM E 162)passed
Fire protection for rail vehicles (DIN EN 45545-2) R26HL 1 - HL 3
Screw threadM3
Conductor cross section AWG max.12
Flammability rating according to UL 94V0
2 conductors with same cross section, stranded min.0.2 mm²
Two conductors with the same cross section stranded, with ferrule and without plastic sleeve, maximum1.5 mm²
Permissible humidity (storage/transport)30 % ... 70 %
ECLASS 11.027141120
ETIM 2.0EC001284
UNSPSC 6.0130211811
UNSPSC 13.239121409
Number of positions4
Maximum load current32 A (with 4 mm² conductor c...
Static insulating material application in cold-60 °C
Relative insulation material temperature index (Elec., UL 746 B)130 °C
Smoke gas toxicity NFPA 130 (SMP 800C)passed
Width38 mm
Conductor cross section AWG min.24
Max. AWG conductor cross section, flexible12
Conductor cross section flexible, with ferrule without plastic sleeve max.4 mm²
Two conductors with the same cross section, flexible, with TWIN ferrules, with plastic sleeve, minimum0.5 mm²
Operating temperature-60 °C ... 105 °C (max. shor...
Ambient temperature (assembly)-5 °C ... 70 °C
ECLASS 5.127141100
ETIM 4.0EC001284
UNSPSC 7.090139121410
UNSPSC 19.039121410
UNSPSC 20.039121410
2 conductors with same cross section, solid min.0.2 mm²
Two conductors with the same cross section stranded, with ferrule and without plastic sleeve, minimum0.25 mm²
Ambient temperature (storage/transport)-25 °C ... 60 °C (for a shor...
Internal cylindrical gageA3
ECLASS 4.027141100
ECLASS 7.027141106
ETIM 3.0EC001284
UNSPSC 18.039121410
UNSPSC 21.039121410
Two conductors with the same cross section, flexible, with TWIN ferrules, with plastic sleeve, maximum1 mm²
China RoHSEnvironmentally Friendly Use...
ECLASS 4.127141100
ECLASS 5.027141100
ETIM 7.0EC001284
UNSPSC 1139121410
Ambient temperature (actuation)-5 °C ... 70 °C
ECLASS 10.0.127141120
ECLASS 6.027141100
ECLASS 9.027141120
Connection methodScrew connection
Stripping length8 mm
Min. AWG conductor cross section, flexible24
Height24 mm
Tightening torque max0.8 Nm
Conductor cross section flexible max.4 mm²
Conductor cross section flexible, with ferrule with plastic sleeve min.0.25 mm²
ETIM 6.0EC001284
UNSPSC 12.0139121410
Insulating materialPA
Nominal current IN30 A
Fire protection for rail vehicles (DIN EN 45545-2) R23HL 1 - HL 3
Number of levels1
Degree of pollution3
Conductor cross section solid min.0.2 mm²
Fire protection for rail vehicles (DIN EN 45545-2) R22HL 1 - HL 3
Conductor cross section flexible, with ferrule without plastic sleeve min.0.25 mm²
2 conductors with same cross section, stranded max.1.5 mm²
Insulating material groupI
Tightening torque, min0.6 Nm
Conductor cross section solid max.4 mm²
Overvoltage categoryIII
Open side panelNo
Calorimetric heat release NFPA 130 (ASTM E 1354)28 MJ/kg
Length22 mm
Connection in acc. with standardIEC 60947-7-1/IEC 60998
2 conductors with same cross section, solid max.1.5 mm²
Conductor cross section flexible min.0.2 mm²
Conductor cross section flexible, with ferrule with plastic sleeve max.2.5 mm²
Degree of protection-
Ambient temperature (operation)-
Max. permissible relative humidity (operation)-
Nominal power consumption-
Mains buffering time-
Protective circuit/component-
Feedback voltage resistance-
Output power-
Inflammability class in acc. with UL 94 (housing / terminal blocks)-
Climatic class-
Input voltage range-
Inrush current-
Type of protection-
Installation distance top/bottom-
Nominal input voltage range-
Frequency range (fN)-
Input fuse-
Power factor (cos phi)-
Connection in parallel-
Residual ripple-
Control deviation-
Standard – Safety extra-low voltage-
Discharge in air-
Surge voltage load (surge)-
Voltage dips-
Installation distance right/left-
Current consumption-
Recommended breaker for input protection-
Nominal output current (IN)-
Nominal output voltage-
Connection in series-
Net weight-
Protection class-
Assembly instructions-
Standard - Safety of transformers-
Standard – Limitation of mains harmonic currents-
Electromagnetic compatibility-
Contact discharge-
Criterion A-
MTBF (IEC 61709, SN 29500)-
Foot latch material-
Mounting position-
EMC requirements for noise immunity-
Standard – Electronic equipment for use in electrical power installations and their assembly into electrical power installations-
Fast transients (burst)-
Electromagnetic HF field-
Typical response time-
Housing material-
EMC requirements for noise emission-
Standard - Safe isolation-
Criterion B-
Power loss nominal load max.-
Low Voltage Directive-
Test field strength-
Conducted interference-
Insulation voltage input/output-
Standard - Electrical safety-
Frequency range-
Protection against overvoltage at the output (OVP)-
Maximum power dissipation in no-load condition-
Mains variation/undervoltage-
UL approvals-
Electrostatic discharge-
Ambient temperature (start-up type tested)-
Discharge current to PE-
Insulation voltage output / PE-
AC frequency range-
Active current limitation-
Width with alternative assembly-
Installation height-
Selective Fuse Breaking (ISFB)-
Insulation voltage input / PE-
Standard - Approval for medical use-
Height with alternative assembly-
Setting range of the output voltage (USet)-
Standard - Equipment safety-
Depth with alternative assembly-
Frequency range DC-
Standard – Protection against shock currents, basic requirements for protective separation in electrical equipment-
Rail applications-
About the manufacturer

Phoenix Contact manufactures industrial electrical and electronic technology products that offer power, protection, connectivity, and automation for systems and equipment.
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